No Skeleton in Atiku’s Cupboard over Bank PHB Allegation – PDP



The Peoples Democratic Party Presidential Campaign Organisation (PPCO) says its candidate, Abubakar Atiku, has nothing to do with the alleged issues leading to the collapse of Bank PHB.

Kola Ologbondiyan, PPCO director of media and publicity, said this at a news conference on Friday in Abuja.

Ologbondiyan said that the allegation was a plot to fabricate lies, falsehood and frame up Atiku, whom he claimed was already coasting to victory in the Feb. 16 Presidential election.

“The PPCO makes bold to state that Atiku has nothing to do with the alleged issues leading to the collapse of Bank PHB.

“Atiku is an honest and hard working Nigerian who has no skeleton of any sort in his cupboard.

“The world already knows that this is an attempt to mudsling our presidential candidate,” he said.

Ologbondiyan said Nigerians can see through those lies, fabrications and frustration and the scheme against Atiku, which he said were already dead on arrival.

“The PDP presidential candidate, our great party and indeed all Nigerians, who have already reached a national consensus to vote-in Atiku will not be distracted by this unfounded allegation,” he said.

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